Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Are The Personal Development Proucts REALLY Like Part III: Sovereignty Live Conference

In my last post I outlined the Beyond Freedom Evolution home study course. If you were familiar with Liberty League International (original company that designed the course) you may also know they had two conferences, a Liberty Conference and a Summit Conference. The Polaris Media Group has taken the best of what Liberty League's products offered and expanded them as well as adding several new products. Beyond Freedom is becoming Beyond Freedom Evolution, the Liberty Conference is becoming the Sovereignty Live Conference and the Summit Conference is becoming the Influence Live Conference.

Essentially what this means to me and the customer is that the CEO and Founder of Polaris Media Group, Shane Krider, the Customer Service Staff and the Executive Marketing Committee have a ten year track record in the Personal Development, Entrepreneurial Skills Training, Direct Sales and Network Marketing arena. In other words, this isn't our first rodeo.

The Sovereignty Live Conference is a three day event held in an exotic locale that focuses on how to apply the principles taught and discussed in the Beyond Freedom home study course.

The Influence Live Conference is a five day event held in an even more exclusive location and it teaches everything from financial strategies to help you get your money working for you to really specific entrepreneurial education and it brilliantly ties in the principles taught in personal development.

All of the guest speakers are living and doing the same exact types of things we teach in our curriculum so the integration of information is seamless and often people will come home from a live event and begin experiencing massive growth in their personal and business life because they are able to activelyab apply the things they learned at the conference to their own lives and business. Plus when we get home from an event we are still plugged into this community and learning process so the conference never really nds.

I will take just a moment to digress here. I say digress because I want to mention that I have personally paid several thousand dollars to attend conferences that other programs offered. One such conference was hosted by Anthony Robbins and he was a great motivational speaker but...

Most of what I learned in those two days had no "integration" directly into my daily home and business life. Yes there were lots of principles covered and several how to sessions but the difference between what he offered and what I've experienced at a live Polaris Media Group event were night and day. My experience with other live events almost kept me from attending my first Polaris live event because I was comparing what I knew from my past to what I thought I would see in my future and that was almost a very expensive mistake.

Fortunately I didn't make that mistake or I wouldn't be writing this blog and I wouldn't have made thousands of dollars with the business opportunity because of my decision to be a Polaris Media Group Director.

Now back to the discussion about the products. I'll sum it up in two words... First Class

The Sovereignty Live Conference isn't your basic MLM conference in an aging Holiday Inn somewhere. It's not a deal where you show up at the Marriott in Orlando with a couple hundred people from your MLM company with stuffy company training or business building information.

We're not a bunch of stuffy business people, in fact you'll find a wide diversity of people from housewives and CEOs, to car salesmen, insurance brokers, former real estate agents (like me), former police officers and investment bankers attending our events and taking advantage of the products and business opportunity to get out of the rat race for good.

You could say that once you've made the decision to be a part of the Polaris Media Group, make financial and personal life changes that set your family free from the daily grind you let your hair down a bit and have some fun.

This isn't the kind of event where the CEO and Top Producers of the Company are safely staged behind velvet ropes and inaccessible. Not at all, in fact you'll shake hands with and enjoy conversation with most of the Executive Marketing Committee, Founder of the Company and top income earners and have time after the sessions to pick their brains pool side or just relax and enjoy a cigar while masterminding with millionaires.

Second from L company founder & CEO Shane Krider, Second From John Lavenia and on is left is Gene Braxton both members of the EMC

The Polaris Media Group live events are first class events held in exotic locations and features world-class speakers. Past speakers have included Michael Losier the bestselling author of "the Law of Attraction," Randy Gage, Patrick Combs, Andy Andrews best selling author of "the Travelers Gift" a modern day Will Rogers who has done four command performances for four U.S. Presidents and consultant for companies like Microsoft, Bob Proctor, Doug Weed personal advisor to several Presidents of the U.S., and many more.

A week ago October 12th thru the 14th Polaris Media Group held it first ever Sovereignty Live Conference at the beautiful El Conquistador resort in sunny Puerto Rico.

Stormy Island

I'd love to tell you I'm writing this from my balcony overlooking the Atlantic at the El Conquistador Resort in Puerto Rico...but I'm not. I'm back home in my home office putting together notes from one of the most dynamic conferences the world of Personal Development has ever seen.

View from the balcony

The first full day was jam packed including a quick bite for breakfast and then off to Palamino Island on a tender. This place is really cool and has tons of activities like jet-skiing, snorkeling, and just relaxing on the beach.

Looking the other way on the balcony

The official start of the conference is a kick off reception with the red carpet rolled out in a dramatic way; lots of food, local entertainment and recognition for some of the company's leaders. The first full day includes a general session which runs from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 ish with a break for lunch.

Neal Petersen

If you've never had an opportunity to see Neal Petersen live you're missing out on an extremely dynamic speaker. This guy grew up in apartheid South Africa where opportunities for colored folks were few. He built his own sail boat and basically sailed around the world. He started out knowing very little about navigation but was determined to succeed so he took with him a sextant and a how to book on how to use a sextant. He learned by doing and personifies the kind of entrepreneurial spirit and skill we teach with Polaris Media Groups Beyond Freedom Evolution and business model.

John Lavenia sharing and idea with an associate

This conferences line up also included Yossi Ghinsberg whose story of survival in the Amazon rain forest is worth hearing many times if for no other reason than to remind myself how easy my life really is.

Yassi Ghinsberg

Also Steve Donahue shared his accounts of crossing the Sahara desert at the age of 20 and the realization that maps are great if the landscape isn't always changing like the shifting sands of the desert. His recommendation is you get yourself a good compass in life and follow it no matter what map you're looking at.

Steve Donahue

This Sovereignty Live Conference was the best organized most professional and powerful live event anyone could ever attend. Words of course can't do it justice and pale in comparison to being there. The cost of the Sovereignty Live event is $7995 for two people not including travel, most meals and lodging.

When I compare what I get out of a Polaris live event to my experience with a Robert Kiyosaki (who by the way is brilliant) live event for two days at the "Pepsi Center" in Denver Colorado where I paid a very similar amount of money (excluding the travel and resort destination etc.), well...let's just say Polaris Media Group is in a class all by its self and I'll be attending many more of their live events. Robert is good in person and his books "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "The Cash Flow Quadrant" are MUST reads if you want to really understand money, finance and real estate investing, but isn't good enough for me to keep going back to see him in person.

I'll review the other products in future blog posts, this one got kind of long because the live event occurred about the same time I wrote it so I threw both of them in together. By the way...if you're curious about where the Influence Live Conference is being held in March of 2010 it will be in Maccau, China right across the bay from hong Kong! We'll talk more about this conference in my next post.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Are The Personal Development Proucts REALLY Like Part II: Beyond Freedom Evolution

Ok so I'll have to admit I was really surprised at what was included in the Beyond Freedom Course 'classic'. (The full Beyond Freedom Evolution cirriculum is being released in January of 2010 so I'll be updating this post then) I've been a long time consumer of Tony Robbins and Nightingale-Conant and I'm used to home study courses. Typically they have a little one page introduction with listings of more products to buy, sometimes a booklet or pamphlet with study notes and then the CD's or cassette tapes.

When the FedEx truck pulled up to my house and the driver handed me the box I was surprised by its size and how much it weighed. This was obviously not your basic home study course. A fact which has been proven to me over and over again as I have continued to study the material (at least a half dozen times) in the past few years. There is a DVD, CD's, goal cards, Journaling System, 90 day workbook with interactive exercises and luxuriously packaged.

The first thing I did was pop the DVD into my player and was impressed with the quality of production and how professional it was.

I've purchased a lot of products and programs over the years and many direct sales companies skimp on their audio/video stuff but not Polaris Media Group (formerly Liberty League International). It was obvious this DVD wasn't filmed with a Circuit City video camera and thrown together on a lap top. It had more the appearance of having come from a Hollywood film studio (which turns out not to be too far off the mark).

Everything was top notch and it was obvious that Polaris Media Group had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars producing the audios, videos and printed materials, right down to the ink pen which fit ergonomically in my hand and the ink flowed onto my workbook like silk.

Well so much for the fluff, the real question on my mind was about the materials.

You see I've been an information/personal development junkie since the late 70's and I had a lot of first class material to compare this program against.

My first impression on reviewing the printed material was the obvious fact it had 'meat and potatoes" not some wishy-washy vague philosophy like so much stuff that seems to be really popular and touchy feeley.

The principles, exercises and philosophy behind the Beyond Freedom program is practical, use it now, today kind of stuff. This program explains how your present circumstances (the things most people want to change) are an outward reflection of your present mindset and collective years of thought processes.

Beyond Freedom explains the nuts-and-bolts detail about what you must do today to begin changing your circumstances and start attracting more of the things you want in life while getting rid of the bad habits and thinking that has been holding you back and attracting the kind of situations you're unhappy about.

Each day the program works kind of like a spotlight, illuminating one specific area at a time in our daily routine be it marriage, parenting, physical health, emotional health, spirituality, finances...and the list goes on and on. Because the course literally teaches you HOW to use your thoughts and mind to your greatest advantage you will begin to impact virtually every area of your life in a way that will produce massive results. Upon illumination the course provides simple (not always easy to do) to follow instructions for effecting change in your thinking...immediately

And isn't that what I paid for?

Now before I go any further, I must do a little disclaimer here...

The student must be willing, ready and able to embrace this material in order to see changes in their own life. This statement applies to all self improvement and personal development products, especially one as powerful as this course. By saying this, I mean you simply must have a desire to get out of the rut you find yourself in and actually believe in your own ability to make these changes.

After literally tearing the program apart, dissecting the exercises and comparing what is taught in Beyond Freedom to any and all of the previous home study courses I've taken, my determination is that this course is the best example of a product that was under-promised to me and way over-delivered by the company.

Not only is the home study course an effective combination of practical, principle based activities anybody can do but as a part of the educational experience I've aslo received online interaction with other people who are studying the same program, many have studied it for years and are using the material to do things like make five figure incomes in one week, retire their spouses and change their zip codes. Because I not only purchased the home study course but I also took advantage of the income opportunity I've also been able to mastermind with millionaires on the telephone, real live 'in the flesh' multiple seven figure income earners(annual). Because I bought the conference tikets and attended the events (many times now) I've met the founder of the company and most if not all of the other top earners in the company and masterminded with them in person. This is one on one mentoring with people who walk the talk and use these principles in their every day life!

Let me just say..."If integrity is everything (which it IS) then Polaris Media Group far exceeds my most demanding expectations."

No other program on the market that I have found offers these advantages at any price so you can't simply buy this kind of education at the local bookstore or online catalogue. The only problem I really found with Beyond Freedom's personal development and Polaris Media Group's entrepreneurial skills education is they should probably sell them for a whole lot more than they currently do and here's why:

At $2,285 there are certainly a 'percentage' of people who would buy the course take out a CD, listen to it on the way to work and probably never really commit to going through the program every day for 90 days straight. People tend to just throw something on the credit card and forget it. These are the same people who will buy an exercise course, bike, or membership to the gym, charge the $250 to $1,000 cost and then never use the equipment all the while complaining they're not losing weight.

If Polaris charged the $10,000 this program is easily worth I'm positive more of the people who bought it would give it the attention it deserves...

and consequently they would be living the life they deserve.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Are the Personal Development Products REALLY Like? Part I: Beyond Freedom Evolution home study course

I love to learn.

I'm  a sponge when it comes to acquiring new knowledge.

When I was a kid and got a camera for my birthday I took it apart to see how it worked and then put it back together (yes it still worked).

You could even say I'm an information junkie.

If there's a good book, tape set or other resource available that will give me more knowledge and pieces to the puzzle than I presently have, you'll find me with credit card drawn or cash in hand at the book store quicker than you can "personal development."

More than ten years ago I spent well over $8,000 getting a series 6 and 63 securities license and this was in addition to my other licenses for insurance, annuitites and real estate brokerage. I'd be willing to bet that in a just few short years I spent well over $30,000 on education and related products which doesn't include travel, tuttion and materials for required 'continuing education.' For those of you who don't know, continuing education allows a person like a Real Estate Broker to keep their real estate license once they have it. You're required to complete so many hours in a certain number of years to qualify for renewal of your license.

So I ask you, whats the price tag of an decent education? Is it worth it? Well for me, it was at the time, because I knew (at the time) that was the direction I wanted to go in my career. It was also the price I had to pay in order to do the things I wanted to do. It was a 'necessary expense' so I could make a multiple six figure income using those licenses. So for me, it was worth it at the time.

Part of the education I received taught me how to trade my time for money. This is a lesson all good employees learn so I learned how to work 90 hour weeks and among other things how to find good express hotels close to airports, and spend most of my life away from my family. At that time in my life, I had three small children growing up and their mom who stayed at home was raising them without me (we ended up divorced).

Durring my illustrious career as a Business and Real Estate Broker I became involved in the Personal Developmnt Industry. It started with stuff by Brian Tracy, Earl Nightingale, Vic Conant, Bob Proctor, Dennis Waitley, Tony Robbins and many others. I spent thousands of dollars attending seminars, buying books and tapes and had a pretty impressive library of my own "Personal Development" products and books like well known timeless classics like "Think and Grow Rich" and "The Power of The Subconscious Mind."

So when I bumped into a company that offered 'Personal Development Products' combined with a business opportunity, I immediately got involved.

I bought the original Beyond Freedom home study course for $1,495 which sounded pretty cheap compared to what I had already been through. Besides, I knew I could study it in a hotel room as effectively as I could if I were home and this product was supposed to be differet. I could use this program to begin thinking like an entrepreneur and learn to make changes in my life by starting my own business and earning profits instead of wages. Plus I figured if it could actually change my life, I would be in a business that changed other peoples lives as well and that idea really appealed to me.

I soon found myself purchasing tickets for the Liberty and Summit conferences. This was mostly a business decision to take advantage of the compensation plan and therby fully position my business for maximum profits ($14,000/customer potential). Within six months I retired from Real Estate and the rat race for good.

As providence would have it all good things come to an end and in this case the end came in the form of a transformation. Liberty League transformed like a catterpillar into a butterfly when company founder Shane Krider launched Polaris Media Group.

I quickly got past my skepticism about the multitude of companies that reinivent themselves and end up DOA along with all the negative garbeage I had read and heard about on the news and internet.

Things keep getting better all the time, PMG gave me credit for the $1,495 I had spent on the original Beyond Freedom program which makes the $2,285 purchase price for the Beyond Freedom Evolution launch package home study course an even better bargain for me. 

So what's the difference between the original program and the newest version? The original program was a single 90 day home study course. The Beyond Freedom Evolution program contains three modules (Departure, Decision, Action)and each one is designed to take 90 days from start to finish. Plus each module has interactive portions that provide the student with feedback and coaching from people who are actually using the principles being taught to make changes in their own lives while they are earning a lot of money as an entrepreneur.

When I was master minding with Yaro about starting this blog, two important questions came to mind.

First: What's the difference between Beyond Freedom Evolution and all the rest of the 'Self Improvement,' and Personal Development products, programs, books, courses and seminars out there?

Second: Couldn't I just go down to the book store or jump online and buy the books that teach the same thing and spend a lot less in the process?

I'll answer the second question first...No...not based on my experience.

You see I already did that. Over the course of several years I had purchased most of the producst available on the market. I addition to owning a library of this stuff I did what most people don't do, I actually read the books and studied the materials. I could quote many of the authors and applied most of the techniques they taught. I learned a bunch and I woudn't trade that knowledge for anything however none of those programs helped me set myself free (financially and emotionally, mentaly and spiritually free) and become an entrepreneur.

Now to answer the first question, I believe the major difference between Beyond Freedom Evolution and "ALL" the other stuff available today boils down to hands on experience with "Real Live Mentors" who are actually using the same exact principles being taught and they are actually getting the kind of results I wanted to get.

One other comparison worthy of note is the fact that with Polaris Media Group, my millionaire mentors (coaches) are actually real live people I can meet in person if I chose to do so. In addition to that with PMG my mentors are walking the talk.

You see with the other programs I took where I paid several thousand dollars for coaching and mentoring what I got was a salaried employee on the other end of the phone who had been trained to 'phone coach.' The problem with that is that this employee wasn't using or applying the principles they were teaching me and if they were they certainly weren't using them to make a multiple six and seven figure income. They were salaried employees for Pete's sake. So I didn't really get what I was paying for with those other 'coaching and mentoring' programs.

By investing in myself with Beyond Freedom Evolution and running a Home Based Business all at the same time I put two of the most important ingredients into place for my success. Polaris Media Group provides the 'missing ingredients' that other companies and products dont offer like a profit model aka., compensation plan, platinum products, manufacturing, warehousing and drop shipping, customer service, millionaire mentors, conferences, ongoing training for me and my new associates...etc.

A great way of explaining this would be to compare using the Beyond Freedom Evolution cirriculum and business model for starting a business with a college level course on personal development and entrepreneurism, except in college you don't get to actually make money until you graduate and when you do graduate you still have to figure out what your niche is, develop your products, manufacture them, warehouse them, handle shipping, customer service, legal issues... etc.

Polaris Media Group has brilliantly combined the best of both worlds so that a student who;

  • willingly applies themselves to the material every day (independantly studies and reads),
  • attends class (training calls with millionaire mentors in PMG)
  • and does the homework (daily method of operation DMO aka., income producing activity)
  • will achieve measurable results (profits with PMG
  • and will graduate or pass the class (set themselves free financially, mentally & spiritually).
PMGs Beyond Freedom Evolution program is 270 days start to finish in which time a student who is becoming an entrepreneur by starting a home basd business business can follow the instructions and DMO (daily method of operation) by plugging into the system and make a six figure income with the PMG compensation plan. No College or Universty or other personal development program or company and no other direct sales, network marketing or multi level marketing company in the world has anything that compares to this.

Join me tomorrow for part two on the products.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I Chose Polaris Media Group

Every week I talk to a lot of people and many want to know what's the difference between "Polaris Media Group" and all the other companies in network marketing, MLM and direct sales.

Answering this question on a company by company comparison would literally take years so instead of trying to do the analytical aproach, lets start where the rubber meets the road...the pay plan.

No other company that I am aware of offers a "Hybrid" pay plan that combines the best of direct sales (immediate up front profits paid directly the distributor) with the resiual profit components of multi level marketing (leveraged income from building a team of successful marketers). When retail profits, wholesale profits, wholesale profit bonuses and profit sharing are added together a Polaris Media Group (PMG) distributor will potentially earn over 65% of the reatil product price. This fact all by it's self seperates PMG from the pack... however it gets better. Most of the products are higher priced stand alone products that are extremely competetive when compared to other products in the industry (similar format and functionality) offered by competing companies. The bottom line is that a distributor with Polaris Media Ggroup is earning profits in excess of $400/sale on most sales and often the profits wil reach as high as $10,000/customer (not including residuals).

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math and come up with huge profit potential for the right entrepreneur. Another benefit is that it doesn't take a huge downline of thousands to make real money. One or two sales per week and a Polaris Media Group distributor is looking at an income potential of six figures based on the companies actual experience ratios (8+ year track record).

In the end I chose Polaris Media Group (PMG) deliberately.

But FIRST here are some of the reasons I didn't go with other companies offering similar products and mlm pay plans.

  1. I like that Polaris Media Group isn't being run from a foreign country. PMG is currently based in Scottsdale, Arizona and not an offshore country. I like the fact that the company is structured according to laws that protect the consumer. Althouh PMG does business in over 150 countries witha huge and growing Austrailian and European distributor base.
  2. I like that there is a real home office. PMG has a real customer service staff, real phone number, real building that I can actually walk into, see the receptionist who greets me with a smile saying "Welcome to Polaris Media Group, how may I help you?" Even if I never visited, it's nice to know this is a company with a real foundation, brick and mortar not some garage affair in a rundown neighborhood presenting it's self as grander than it really is.
  3. I like it that my customer's receive an actual box full of DVDs, CD etc., real products, made to exacting standards, delivered by FedEx or UPS right to their font door. Beyond Freedom Evolution and other educational  products like the "drive time" CDs are tangible and have intrinsic value to the end consumer. These aren't downloadble links and ebooks somebody whipped together as a token product to sucker newbies into parting with their hard earned money.
  4. I like it that the company stands behind it's product with an unconditional money-back guarantee. My customers can evaluate the Beyond Freedom Evolution program and decide whether it's worth the purchase price. They have plenty of time after receiving the product to determine it's value for themselves, then choose to keep it or return it for a 100% no questions asked refund (unless the customer spills coffe all over it or otherwise damages it).
  5. I like it that the the company provides a "no-guesswork" blueprint with training for myself and my business partners conducted by real live people, top producers in the industry. I never had to figure anything out for myself as far as what to do to start marketing, develop an internet presence and attract qualified prospects, demonstrate the system and get their questions answered. All the tools are provided so that even a brand new person with zero marketing experience can follow the instructions given on 14 live weekly training calls, actually ask questions of the host (a top producer in the company) and hit the ground running. This kind of training allows a new person to begin making money within 48 to 72 hours based on their own desire and willingness to do the work.
I'm not aware of any other company that makes it this easy for new distributors to mastermind with self made millionaires who are actually using the exact same tools and systems they are training the new people to use. In fact top income earners will assist you in writing your business plan, of course it's up to you to follow it.

I looked at other companies and didn't see anything that could compare to Polaris Media Group. I did see seven minute flash player videos and good sounding conference calls but those are pretty standard these days. What I was looking for was real people who were on the same path I wanted to take and I could work with, meet in person and develop a business relationship with.

What I found with Polaris Media Group is a company whereI could get on an airplane, visit the home office, meet the CEO and company founder Shane Krider, feel confident my customers were being treated right and the products are first class with industry setting standards. I found a company where I can make masterminding in person with other entrepreneurs and top producers in the industry part of my weekly and often daily routine.

With Polaris Media Group I have a proven system that is 100% portable, easily duplicated and allows me and my downline to build large immediate incomes with valuable products that people actually want...and a long-term income potential with residuals which means I earn more money each month from the leverage built into the system than I do from my own efforts. This is a company that's here to stay.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome to my Polaris Media Group blog

Welcome! This blog about Polaris Media Group was inspired on a friday afternoon while master minding with another entrepreneur (Yaro Starak) who hosts an excellent blog about blogging, web 2.0 marketing and making money online The initial question that came up was "is it real or is it a scam?"

It occured to me that the recent launch (09-09-09) of Polaris Media Group is already creating an intense amount of discussion online about whether or not Polaris Media Group really is all it claims to be. What better than an "insiders" prospective with a candid outlook from my former experience as a Business Broker, Realtor and lifetime student of personal development and entrepreneurial education.

  • Does the Beyond Freedom Evolution home study course really teach principles that will allow you to create a major lifestyle change that is long lasting or is it just a flash in the pan?
  • Is it really possible to create a six-figure income within the next six to twelve months?
  • Are there REALLY people who are earning $15k, $60k, even $100k every month in Polaris Media Group working fifteen to thirty hours a week from home?
  • Are these people regular work a day people or just a handful or "heavy hitters" (professional internet marketers) that jumped on the launch of a new company?
  • What does it take for the average person to get these kinds of results?
These are great questions that Yaro brought to mind. It's my pledge to present the no-hype, no BS, just the facts answers to these questions to clarify exactly what Polaris Media Group is, are the products effective and whether or not the business opportunity is really as lucrative as is claimed by the company and in their testamonials.

So this is a journey, the course is set and I know you'll find this an incredible opportunity to see through my eyes. If you're trying to figure out if Polaris Media Group is going to be your cup of tea, you might even find the information here to be a bit of an eye-opener! Take a look at this YouTube video "Join The Evolution"

Leonard Martin