Thursday, October 15, 2009

What Are The Personal Development Proucts REALLY Like Part II: Beyond Freedom Evolution

Ok so I'll have to admit I was really surprised at what was included in the Beyond Freedom Course 'classic'. (The full Beyond Freedom Evolution cirriculum is being released in January of 2010 so I'll be updating this post then) I've been a long time consumer of Tony Robbins and Nightingale-Conant and I'm used to home study courses. Typically they have a little one page introduction with listings of more products to buy, sometimes a booklet or pamphlet with study notes and then the CD's or cassette tapes.

When the FedEx truck pulled up to my house and the driver handed me the box I was surprised by its size and how much it weighed. This was obviously not your basic home study course. A fact which has been proven to me over and over again as I have continued to study the material (at least a half dozen times) in the past few years. There is a DVD, CD's, goal cards, Journaling System, 90 day workbook with interactive exercises and luxuriously packaged.

The first thing I did was pop the DVD into my player and was impressed with the quality of production and how professional it was.

I've purchased a lot of products and programs over the years and many direct sales companies skimp on their audio/video stuff but not Polaris Media Group (formerly Liberty League International). It was obvious this DVD wasn't filmed with a Circuit City video camera and thrown together on a lap top. It had more the appearance of having come from a Hollywood film studio (which turns out not to be too far off the mark).

Everything was top notch and it was obvious that Polaris Media Group had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars producing the audios, videos and printed materials, right down to the ink pen which fit ergonomically in my hand and the ink flowed onto my workbook like silk.

Well so much for the fluff, the real question on my mind was about the materials.

You see I've been an information/personal development junkie since the late 70's and I had a lot of first class material to compare this program against.

My first impression on reviewing the printed material was the obvious fact it had 'meat and potatoes" not some wishy-washy vague philosophy like so much stuff that seems to be really popular and touchy feeley.

The principles, exercises and philosophy behind the Beyond Freedom program is practical, use it now, today kind of stuff. This program explains how your present circumstances (the things most people want to change) are an outward reflection of your present mindset and collective years of thought processes.

Beyond Freedom explains the nuts-and-bolts detail about what you must do today to begin changing your circumstances and start attracting more of the things you want in life while getting rid of the bad habits and thinking that has been holding you back and attracting the kind of situations you're unhappy about.

Each day the program works kind of like a spotlight, illuminating one specific area at a time in our daily routine be it marriage, parenting, physical health, emotional health, spirituality, finances...and the list goes on and on. Because the course literally teaches you HOW to use your thoughts and mind to your greatest advantage you will begin to impact virtually every area of your life in a way that will produce massive results. Upon illumination the course provides simple (not always easy to do) to follow instructions for effecting change in your thinking...immediately

And isn't that what I paid for?

Now before I go any further, I must do a little disclaimer here...

The student must be willing, ready and able to embrace this material in order to see changes in their own life. This statement applies to all self improvement and personal development products, especially one as powerful as this course. By saying this, I mean you simply must have a desire to get out of the rut you find yourself in and actually believe in your own ability to make these changes.

After literally tearing the program apart, dissecting the exercises and comparing what is taught in Beyond Freedom to any and all of the previous home study courses I've taken, my determination is that this course is the best example of a product that was under-promised to me and way over-delivered by the company.

Not only is the home study course an effective combination of practical, principle based activities anybody can do but as a part of the educational experience I've aslo received online interaction with other people who are studying the same program, many have studied it for years and are using the material to do things like make five figure incomes in one week, retire their spouses and change their zip codes. Because I not only purchased the home study course but I also took advantage of the income opportunity I've also been able to mastermind with millionaires on the telephone, real live 'in the flesh' multiple seven figure income earners(annual). Because I bought the conference tikets and attended the events (many times now) I've met the founder of the company and most if not all of the other top earners in the company and masterminded with them in person. This is one on one mentoring with people who walk the talk and use these principles in their every day life!

Let me just say..."If integrity is everything (which it IS) then Polaris Media Group far exceeds my most demanding expectations."

No other program on the market that I have found offers these advantages at any price so you can't simply buy this kind of education at the local bookstore or online catalogue. The only problem I really found with Beyond Freedom's personal development and Polaris Media Group's entrepreneurial skills education is they should probably sell them for a whole lot more than they currently do and here's why:

At $2,285 there are certainly a 'percentage' of people who would buy the course take out a CD, listen to it on the way to work and probably never really commit to going through the program every day for 90 days straight. People tend to just throw something on the credit card and forget it. These are the same people who will buy an exercise course, bike, or membership to the gym, charge the $250 to $1,000 cost and then never use the equipment all the while complaining they're not losing weight.

If Polaris charged the $10,000 this program is easily worth I'm positive more of the people who bought it would give it the attention it deserves...

and consequently they would be living the life they deserve.

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