In an earlier blog post I mentioned I had a fairly extensive history of working home based businesses.
Many of those were before the internet came into its present relavance to success in marketing however, I'm not unfamiliar with what other companies in the network marketing, direct sales and multi level marketing industries are doing these days.
We all know that to be successful in any business endeavor you must be a successful marketer or have the resources to hire someone who is.
So when I found the Polaris Media Group (formerly Liberty League International) and I started to evaluate whether I would get involved with it, the first thing I looked at was their marketing system. I wanted to know if it had a proven track record, what kind of profits it produced and if it was easily duplicated.
So, what if I told you Polaris Media Group markets for their distributors, would you believe me?
Have you ever heard of a Company in this industry that actually markets on behalf of their distributors?
Polaris Media Group actually markets for their distributors as a part of their business opportunity.
Needless to say, this is a huge advantage.
Can you imagine waking up in the morning and finding dozens of emails in your inbox that all have the same subject line... You have received and order!
Just for a moment try to think about what it would feel like to get dozens of orders that came in as a result of work you had done weeks or even months ago and because the Polaris Media Group's marketing system never sleeps it continued to market to your book of business or customer list, generating sales for you while you were sleeping.
You see, that's only a part of the system Polaris Media Group distributors enjoy and it isn't because of anything they did beyond making the choice to start a Polaris Media Group Home Based Business. That decision put them in business with a Company that markets on their behalf so all they need to do is focus on building their customer base.
When Mary makes another purchase, YOU get's that simple.
Polaris Media Group has a lot of products and many more in development so there is always something for everyone no matter who you are or what level of interest you have. With Polaris Media Group marketing on your behalf it's almost an unfair advantage.
People who have never earned a dime in a home business are achieving great results here.
The number one asset in your new business is your customer list but so many new entrepreneurs are too busy getting going to pay attention to this list and that's one reason the Company helps you out with that.
Therefore your number one business tool is the system you use to communicate with your customers.
There's a bunch of auto responders out there and shopping carts for online sales, merchant accounts and shipping can be really confusing even for someone whose been there and done that. That's another reason why Polaris Media Group provides a system for their distributors and you won't believe how advanced it is.
Picture this...
Over the weekend you get a dozen or so leads while you're at church or enjoying family time. The Polaris marketing system sends you an email notifying you that someone has requested information and at the same time the system sends an email to the new prospective customer on your behalf. The email is personalized, automated, and professional and it provides them with some initial information about the Company.
Now...check this out; let's say that in addition to requesting information on the Polaris business they have also purchased the 'Know For Yourself' DVD. The system automatically processes that order with no involvement from you and it immediately credits you account with the 40% commission.
Then on Tuesday this lead will get an email inviting them to attend one of our 50+ live information tele-seminars. Again, without you having to do anything.
Here comes the hard give this lead a call, have a normal conversation with them about their interest in the product and business opportunity and simply assist them in getting what they are looking for.
Now a few days after the DVD arrives this lead will get another email inviting them to visit the special 'customer only' website where they can interact with the Company about the information they discovered on the DVD.
When you got your business started you took the time to learn by studying and implementing the online business start up kit which includes setting up a home office, marketing, scripts, schedules...
The whole nine yards so to speak.
You probably placed several ads some on the internet maybe a few in the local newspapers, which is how this lead found you...
you called the lead and had a normal conversation (NOT a sales call) gave them some helpful direction to find out more information.
That's it.
Meanwhile the Company has collected payment for the DVD order, sent out emails, followed up and promoted additional information to your new customer.
As a result of completing the purchase of the DVD this lead will be automatically moved to a NEW mailing list for you so they won't continue to get email about a product they have already purchased. This new list will later offer the lead exciting information about another product that matches their interests.
I think you're starting to get the idea about how you can leverage your own time to create massive results without having to re-invent the wheel.
When you talk with a lead (customer) who is interested in the business opportunity, you simply schedule the to a LIVE information tele-seminar that does all the telling, selling and explaining for you and when they get done with that call you'll have someone with Polaris available to answer all their questions so you don't have to know all the answers yourself.
When the lead (customer) decides to move forward with a business of their own the Polaris Media Group automated system will automatically send out an email with all the information they will need to get started immediately.
ALL this is completely automated!
In addition, as you learn to work with the tools Polaris provides, you'll be able to customize for your growing team, target niche markets like stay at home moms, do blasts to your list, run special promotions and much, much more.
Now that's what I call Company support!
I've attempted to keep this post from getting too technical and keep it simple because the system really is a simple proven system (9+ year track record). For those of you who are reading this and are interested in the 'nuts and bolts' well...let me say... this IS the kind of technology and marketing expertise you can expect from Polaris Media Group and what's more...
people who have no idea what I'm really talking about will find the tutorials, live training calls and assistance of their enroller to be all that's necessary to answer all the how to questions they can think to ask.
All a person really needs to succeed with a proven viral internet marketing system like this one is the desire to succeed, the willingness to put excuses aside, roll up the shirt sleeves and get after it.
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